super mario epilogue

mario gallivanting
over mushrooms
long after conquering

peach resigned
to every castle
being a sort of
fiery hell

accusations of
lusting after
luigi following
enough dust
in adventure’s wake
to question why
love plots have
a protagonist

april 29, 2015

i am a bandit,
stealing context
from simple facts

you are a bandit too

hard not to become
the type of person
i stand accused of being

fire in the hole

april 27, 2015

sort of feel like
an earthworm uprooted
in stormy migration

hammering out
frustrations on
a grand piano

trying to find my
place on your
cluttered checklist

sort of feel like
an earthworm dried up
on the sidewalk

april 22, 2015

this is a poem for

all you men i
sat with
over coffee, pints
or stronger spirits
in mason jars

all the while
offering you handfuls
of thought and soul,
of amity’s currency,
of platonic love

and years later,
calling me up at
ungodly hours, to say
you only ever
wanted to
fuck me

and it’s a compliment
and why am i yelling

this is a poem for

all you men i
sat with
over coffee, pints
or stronger spirits
in mason jars

all the while
offering me handfuls
of perfumed bullshit,
of lust’s currency,
genuinely believing
you’d bought me

and years later,
calling me up at
ungodly hours, to say
you only ever
intended to

and would i come over
and why am i yelling

i feel like a candidate for conquest

i feel like the chicken
in that steinbeck book

i feel like a trophy
you could see on
your mantle

i feel  like a brain whose value
lies only in her mechanical ability
to control a nervous system that could
arrange my body into all your fantasies

self portrait (and a couple of recycled lines)

a mass of bones and bubbles,
a mess of good intentions and flawed actions
a slow growing moss on a creek bed

the lazy prodigy –
what everyone else could do
with my glorious, golden brain

the lazy lover –
what everyone else could do
with my brilliant beating heart

gemini pearl,
sand and nacre,
defined by duality

but all that unwavering
constellation worship
is bullshit anyway

april 19, 2015

occasionally get stoned
to watch a musical or
think about how gentle
your lips really are

a season summed up
in dandelions, coffee
and not wanting
to die


weaving half-drunk through
baking streets because
the dogs are all smiling
and i want to pet them

brilliant paper banners under
blooming palm canopies and
a seascape so dreamlike
i almost believe in something

populating ashtrays as
a drunk dances down dirt roads,
making promises i intend to keep
in this enchanted ocean town


colourful salvage along
cobblestone streets with
sweaty palms and this
wonderful intensity
seeping through

i have bought a children’s toy,
bubbles motoring through
tropical neon night and
i can’t hold your hand
tightly enough